Unlock their world during the ‘new normal’
While Governments are still struggling to address the enormity of the crisis, our children face the daunting task of making sense of this ‘NEW NORMAL’
What if- instead of telling our children how to make sense of this situation, we allow them to get them to lead with CREATIVITY and HUMANITY
Building children's social emotional wellbeing is an urgent need now more than ever before as we all grapple with the uncertain times.
Here are some special programs designed to engage children meaningfully and built their I CAN spirit stronger.
DFC special Program
Basic Design for Change programs to fulfil VIA objectives:
– short online sessions to apply design thinking process for problem solving
– offline hands-on work carried out independently by students between sessions
– activities to build empathy, critical thinking and creative confidence
Design hacks
As the NEW NORMAL brings new challenges, students discover new opportunities to design in schools, at home and the community.
Apply Human-Centric approach and Design Thinking framework to Problem Solving and Innovation – Online sessions with Offline activities
Outcome: Product or Service Design Prototypes
DFC and VIA teacher training and resources
Engaging Teacher Training Online Workshops – Opportunity to engage with DFC partners from other countries to share their best practices
Resources for Teachers to run student CCE Program (Customised to meet the school’s objectives)